
16 hour fasting regimen

Not even sure how long I can do this but when you think about it, it does make some sense. Many weight lifters and other fitness fanatics do this regimen as their diet. Basically you eat all of your meals early in the day/morning and your last meal 8 hours before bedtime. It makes perfect sense to eat everything you need in the morning because you will burn that all day. I have hard time eating as it is, most days I have two cups of coffee when I get up then I hit the gym for several hours. By the time I eat it is around 1 pm. Not good, and then to take my vitamins it is kind of too late for the body to get the most out of them. So I am trying this to see if I have more energy and not feel so blah after I eat. The later I eat the worse I feel so I tend not to eat much and go to bed hungry and depleted. Now I eat little before gym and eat until noonish take my vitamins early with the first meal to let my body absorb it and use it. 16 hours of not eating is not that extreme, many athletes do this and of course if I am hungry I will have to eat just something easy to digest. I will share my findings and how long I last hahaha

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