Becoming a healthier me,  Cancer Battle

My butt is back!!

Yes you are reading this correctly…I lost my butt even before cancer. I worked out hard before and did cardio daily. Usually did 8-10 miles on elliptical never even tried to run I was too weak. I lost a lot of weight including my butt. It became flat and very saggy, like a deflated whoopee cushion. I burned over 1000 calories a day and only ate about 500 so I never had enough fuel to grow any muscles, did not have enough protein but I was lean and thin. Which does not mean lean and strong. I was pretty weak in comparison what I am benching these days. I do heavy weights and less cardio. Today I broke my personal record for few things and as I was doing my pull down bar at 95 lbs. two older men, lifting fanatics said that they were very impressed that I can pull that much. It feels good to get a complement especially when I have to fight in my head with cancer everyday and push myself to get up and be active. It gets hard to even want to get out of my bed but I am not ready to give up. Seeing results that I did not think I would is pretty cool. My pants are getting pretty tight but my jeans that I was about to throw away (because I had no butt) now I can put them back on yahooooooooooo

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