Cancer Battle

Two Year Anniversary!!

Today marks two years from my cancer removal colon resection surgery and I am still here and kicking. Past numerous months my life has changed dramatically for the better I hope. After I visited my bestie after my surgery in California and feeling so good while being here and then having the best labs after I came back it was a no brainier for my family. We made a decision to sell our house and relocate. You ask why would we just get up and move and have to start everything from scratch? Well there are NETS experts here in California to start, there are major support groups and organizations so it just made sense to move to a place where I will get the best chance to fight this beast and prolong my life. My numbers have been climbing higher each time they go up and never low enough to relax so I just kept looking at all these statistics and watching my labs that I know if I don’t go to a place where they have knowledge to treat this I will not make my 5 year term. We packed up, sold and donated most of our belongings, said goodbye to friends and family and my work. Chicago Med has been put on hold while I fight this thing at 100%. It was a hard journey for my kids to leave their schools and friends to just start over and trusting me that this place is as I have described it. They have never been here nor my husband and yet they all said lets go! We have driven for three days with temperatures hitting at 114F and having a cat in the car and hotels and yet we made it to our destination. Nothing is easy and we will have many challenges ahead but having my family here supporting me means everything. My next chapter begins at City of Hope cancer team that will work with me and my doctors to better my chances for a survival. I am optimistic and ready to fight.

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