Remission over?
I wanted so badly to celebrate my two years post cancer surgery coming up in August but it may not be the case after all. My last lab tests showed my levels went…
Aging body means diet is constantly changing
As I age and keep changing I can’t ignore the fact that I have to keep adjusting what I eat. I cannot say zero carbs diet or high protein diet or vegetarian diet.…
My butt is back!!
Yes you are reading this correctly…I lost my butt even before cancer. I worked out hard before and did cardio daily. Usually did 8-10 miles on elliptical never even tried to run I…
One month into bodybuilding
It is amazing to watch this transformation! I have been going to the gym or a regular basis, working hard and eating hopefully enough to maintain the muscle mass. I am seeing results…
16 hour fasting regimen
Not even sure how long I can do this but when you think about it, it does make some sense. Many weight lifters and other fitness fanatics do this regimen as their diet.…
While recovering from this lovely cancer surgery I was put on a liquid diet and after fasting for a few days I was getting HANGRY! My husband would stop by in the mornings…
Morphine Button
After my cancer surgery, I was put on several drips including pain drip the morphine. I was using this button all daylong and soon became allergic. I started to get very itchy all…
Here we are year 2019! We all have goals for a new year, everyone has different ones but many of us including myself is to be healthier and fit. I have been doing…
Last labs for 2018
It is a strange thing to even think about all of these posts. I now have my blood work ordered every three weeks but with the holiday season I managed again to miss…
Living with Arthritis is a new me
I thought that I was just going to be dealing with cancer and other preexisting issues but no……now I have been dealing with outbreak of arthritis and not only it is painful but…