Favorite Movies and Actors

Favorite Romantic/Drama/Comedy Films

Terms of Endearment

Another one you need a box of tissues for. I love the cast and the story. It happens to many of the people we know.  Love the cast and the the film-directing.


Steel Magnolias

Even though I am not a huge fan of Julia Roberts….I enjoy most of the other cast very much so, the story is sad but yet told with a great sense of humor. Film makes you cry and makes you lough, well acted and directed for sure.


Fried Green Tomatoes

Love the cast in this film, story and directing…I also love green fried tomatoes they are pretty yummy!


Sleepless in Seattle

Even though both of these main actors make me blahhh  but there are films I can stomach because of the subject.  That romance, the true love feeling that we all hope to find.


You Got Mail

Again, same thing, blah cast but in this romantic film they all work well together….


Cold Mountain

What I want to say I cannot lol but boy oh boy! Romantic for sure not Nicole’s huge fan during those years but this one (because of Jude Law) is enjoyable….


Return To Me

Sad yet romantic for sure…cast was good in this one plus I enjoy all that old music. Keep your tissues near by. Plus it is directed by Bonnie Hunt!!


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