Becoming a healthier me

Going out to eat on a diet is possible!!!

If you think that when you are on a low sodium low calorie diet that you can’t go out with your family and friends then think again!  I was scared to go out  to eat for a while when I was starting out but because I was working out so much I knew that I can go out and learn to eat things that I would eat at home.  Most restaurants have healthy options to choose from and if not you can always ask, yes my company always rolls their eyes because it is always complicated for me to order and I sound like a high maintenance  customer but I tell them I have a strict diet and they usually help out.  Great tip is to check the restaurant’s menu before hand if you know where you are going, but if they absolutely have nothing,  you do not need to stay home. What I do is bring my own meal! Yes you heard this correct lol.  My diet was very specific for the first year.  Low or no sodium, no fried, no bread if I can help it, no rice, no dressing, no sauce, no potato or fries or taters 🙁  you will be amazed how much sodium is added in restaurant food!!  If I worked out that day and I was eating out sometimes I would get a flat bread pizza, these are usually appetizers so make sure you tell them it is your main course, ask for no sauce!! Add spinach and other greens if you can, avocado is a must but I may bring my own yup I have an avocado in my bag !!  When I ate meat I would always choose lean over red, salmon is great but usually very salty so you can ask for grilled without seasoning and no sauce.  My other favorite choice was fish or shrimp tacos, most places have them just ask for no sauce and make sure you get corn tortillas usually they have a choice if not ask for lettuce wrap instead of the tortilla.  They are usually on the appetizers menu.  It you have a protein and do not want rice or potatoes ask to replace it with broccoli or brussel sprouts.  You think soups are safe then think again….they  are loaded with sodium  and possibly cream, which will make your diet go south and your heart work harder and get to retain water.

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