I have switched to a Vegetarian?
I am nearing a year from my cancer diagnosis and surgery and eating has been a giant battle. Recently I have switched to a no meat vegetarian life style and almost two weeks I am happy with my decision. I was aware that animals were possibly mistreated so I did not like to eat much meat but when I found out that while I was enjoying my two eggs over easy everyday male chicks were killed in a very brutal way so that the egg farmers keep the egg hens. I was very sad to see how they got rid of those little babies and could not eat another egg, I love veggies and fruits so this was not a hard decision at all. I go out with my family and friends just as I did before but most of the times I bring my own food! Yes you may frown on this I don’t care. I make a meal that I know is sodium free and animal free and I can still be at the table with my company and eat a meal. I will look for farm eggs from local farms if I start eating eggs…..if I do. So far I do shakes and maybe one small meal either veggie meal or yogurt etc. I feel that I need to feed my body more than my taste buds. This is how I will beat this cancer!!!!