Cancer Battle

Lab Fiasco

I do not like needles period.  You would think that after having kids and few surgeries and many scans with the contrast I would get accustomed to them WRONG!! I have blood work every 4 to 6 weeks all year for the next 5 to 7 years I am not happy about it but considering I could have needed chemo and radiation lab work is small price.  I had to switch the lab facility I have been using because mine closed. So I went  to a new place today to get my labs and the receptionist was just beyond “pleasant” she was totally cold and uncaring as well sounded like she smokes 10 packs a day yaycks.  I finally go into the room, and the lab tech who was pleasant, started to line up her viles for my session and I informed her that I have been doing this already for the past year.  She also pulled out a very large needle and not the usual smallest that I get.  I always tell the technician that I only respond to the butterfly little needle because my veins will roll and hide and even showed her a great spot that I always get it drawn from.  She looked and heard my request but replied that I have a good one in the middle and this large needle will only go in just  a tip in and it will draw very fast.  I asked her to please change to butterfly and use the other spot but she insisted. I figured she knows more and has experience with rollers.  So I closed my fist and felt the poke.  But to her surprise nothing came out and she stated while pushing this huge needle further and said oh I see what you mean…my vein rolled and she used this monstrous inserted needle to move my vein into a better position.  At this time not only I was in pain but this was totally unnecessary because it took more time to fix my vein than using a smaller needle.  I was very dizzy and near fainting and she said so next time you come in ask for butterfly!!!    WTF Are you kidding me what did I say at the beginning? So I have to be poked and in pain to prove her wrong? Or her try to prove me wrong???  I worked in healthcare for 20 years and patient’s request always came first, it is a patient’s right.  I did not notice the way people treat the sick until I got sick and to tell  you the truth it is very sad that nobody has any compassion these days.

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