Cancer Battle

Last labs for 2018

It is a strange thing to even think about all of these posts.  I now have my blood work ordered every three weeks but with the holiday season I managed again to miss a few, but in reality it is because I hate these labs!  Now my veins are getting bad with each draw.  I went right after Christmas to finish off the year ( Hoping for a low result) that would be a great birthday present for sure.  At this blood draw I knew that I did not drink enough water so already knew it would be more difficult to get my blood to flow but it is also more painful without the appropriate water intake…my fault.  Nurse had an idea! I had never seen this before. She found a good spot but this time she put my arm down on a foamy sling type thing so it would be pretty much almost dangling, she did the tourniquet, and had me keep my fist open. She got down on the floor and stuck the butterfly needle in…she had to thread it a little but she was fast and this position got a flow! I am always so anxious with these draws but she was patient and good and got enough for the 5 vials.  Now I await for results which should be ready on my birthday!

So the results are finally in….Not the way I want to start the new year for sure! I have a 76, which is almost the double number from my previous check. I want to panic but that is not the best thing for me to do.  I am having a big glass of vino and will try to relax somehow and keep it together until the next lab.  I do have to wait until February which sucks but I see my oncologist so it works out somehow.  Now back to reading more about what is new in the NET  network and news regarding cancer in general.

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