Becoming a healthier me,  Cancer Battle

Living with Arthritis is a new me

I thought that I was just going to be dealing with cancer and other preexisting issues but no……now I have been dealing with outbreak of arthritis and not only it is painful but it is all over!  There is no just one area….one joint.  I  have been trying to figure this out for a while now, blood test, X-rays and diary to see what is going on.  I have been watching when it happens and what is making it worse but it is actually very random for the most part.  I get sharp pains in numerous sites and stiffness, in my wrists, fingers and toes,  feet are the most painful and active. Other sites are my knees and back.  It happens around my periods, but the problem with mine is that I have very long cycles, 6-9 days which means I have only few days when I am just me.  I have kept a little mental diary and tried to listen to my body more to see a certain pattern when the flare ups occur.  It is around my long ass periods.   I try to stay active, take vitamins and eat clean and also slow down when I have to.  I am also on a search for the best remedy for the inflammation I would prefer natural type vs heavy medications.  My kidneys are not very good the toll I am paying form already weak kidneys from birth and now after all the scans with contrast past year have left me with very bad kidneys and I have to be careful with medications.  I will no longer have scans with contrast which may not catch my cancer growing back but I can’t afford killing my two little beans.  I was prescribed some medication for joint pain but it does have side effects and can mess with the kidneys.  I have braces for my feet to help me walk during flareups and heating pads for the back not much for my wrists or hands but maybe gloves could work.  I have a new understanding for older people and pets…no wonder they all go to warmer climates and smell like herbs and Bengay.  Living in the Midwest with bad joint pain all over means many months in pain and less mobility.  I do not want to be walking with a walker, cane or in wheelchair so I will be looking for the magical treatment for this swelling and pain.  I will keep you posted on anything that works! I will share my finds with you all as I get on this quest for a better life with arthritis.

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