Becoming a healthier me,  Cancer Battle

No Matcha mix for me

Well I gave it a good try.  I put the matcha into my shakes for over a month and was hoping to feel some kind difference but I must say it was not what I was hoping for.  It was suppose to give me more energy among other benefits.  Although it may have given me some green boosts  but as for energy it was not happening .  I was actually more tired while I was drinking Matcha mixed into my protein shakes and did not change any exercise or food intake regimen so I do not think this mix was actually working for me.  I am not saying it does not work at all, just it did not work for me for the time frame that I was trying it out.  It may work for others and maybe I need to use it for a year but I was not willing to keep buying this mix and hoping that it may work for me at some point.


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