Cancer Battle

Remission over?

I wanted so badly to celebrate my two years post cancer surgery coming up in August but it may not be the case after all. My last lab tests showed my levels went above the comfortable range which alarmed me and my doctor. All I could remember from my previous conversation with my oncologist who specifically said if my cancer cells number or range goes above a hundred I will need chemo. This scared the shit out of me!!! I have hard time getting my blood drawn so I put it off since February I know I was being a bad patient but if you had so much pain with these tests you would not blame me for waiting. Well I was nervous to go in but I finally made a decision to do so I found that all my local and semi near labs were closed without notice so now not only that I have to find a new lab then I have no idea if it will be open next time I need my blood checked…Just to add to the stress and possibly raise my numbers. I spoke to my doctor office about the issue and they said they have a lab on site so we could do it there I was happy to find out that my insurance covers this lab. So I went into the lab and surely enough there were issues with my veins but she was able to do the draw but I was having high anxiety and they put me in the chemo chair gave me some juice and made sure I was ok to get up and drive. It takes 7 days for me to get the results so I made an appointment with my oncologist exactly 7 days so we could look at the numbers together. I went to my appointment all full of hopes and not expecting any issues as soon I got to the office they said I run out of my referral from the primary doctor and I needed a new one so I had to wait for it to be faxed. After a long while my doctor called me to the back and said that the office lost my blood!!! So I had no number!! I had to comeback for another blood draw in a week and the big problem is my doctor is leaving the country to go on a month long vacation!!!! Just my luck grrrrrr

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