Current Me

Social Distancing 2020

We Will Get Through This!!!!!

It has been a long while since my last post….just thinking about what to write is mind blowing because of current events. This is week one of the social distancing, while all four of us have to just wait this out, is this going to be our new norm? All of the corona connected events are bringing back bad memories from my past. I grew up in Poland 70’s and 80’s were pretty tough. Stores were empty, no toilet paper no hygiene products or feminine necessities. I remember chaos and my mom trying to feed family of five without food and seeing no improvements in the future. As a parent, I could not even imagine the stress my parents were going through and now I have a taste of this with my own family. It is not the same because food is available here just not in stock but for this corona time it just looks so similar it just scares me….empty stores and closed borders. We also got through the Chernobyl incident which caused new chaos. Many were killed and sickened, dealing with the aftermath till this day. We were not allowed to go outside to play, no grassy areas, food was poisoned, water and animals poisoned everything affected with radioactive fallout. We had powdered milk and spam from other countries who were sending packages to strangers just to help. And now we have our quarantine, no socializing, no shopping, so many are dying, lost their jobs in so many different industries. We now are left to communicate through social media and Skype which is such a blessing comparing to just a phone back in Poland. Schools are closed, restaurants, theaters, churches and sports. This is something they will remember and hopefully if we do this right we will live through.

We moved to California for a better life, better health and future, but now being so far away from family and friends it is extra hard to know how everyone we care about is coping. I am hoping to be in remission so that I don’t get into crisis…I have been so busy building our new life here I have not been keeping up with my labs and scans…I am not a good cancer patient for sure. I have been working out very hard, getting my body back to optimum strength so I am super strong when I have to fight my zebra yet again…which is going to happen in a few years that is just how my cancer works. I will definitely be going to check my blood work as soon as this corona crap is over with. Thinking about my cancer has not been on my mind because of how good I feel. Having the ocean, mountains and sun made me feel like I am not sick and don’t even think abut it.

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