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Weight Loss beginnings 2015


Starting weight at 151 lbs. and climbing!  I stepped on the scale and was shocked how I have let myself go.  I thought I was active but let me tell you that was an illusion to say it lightly, I eat what I want, when I want it, do not drink water just coffee…and very minimal exercise.  I have heart issues already and take blood pressure medication since my first son was born.

This was me !! Can’t believe it yuck .  I am glad I woke up tho before I was too far gone to comeback.  I never counted calories and never paid attention to what I eat and how much I was actually eating.  I challenged myself to counting everything I was eating for a few days just logging food into an app I got for free on my phone.

I was totally shocked to see the results and how easy it is to overeat and eat crap all day.  I told myself this is it, if I don’t change my eating habits I will not make it far.  I can barely walk without gasping and getting dizzy and feel bloated and swollen all day.  I started to get on a treadmill very slow pace and one mile at a time.  Started to drink water cut down on coffee and cut out soda.  I was not a big alcohol drinker so that was not a thing to even look at.  I could barely make it through a mile…I was exhausted and sore. I joined the gym after two weeks on my home treadmill. I wanted to be able to do 3 miles on slow mode when I got to the gym so I don’t pass out when I got there.  I counted all the intake I was consuming, obviously I could not trim everything but I started with two weeks on slim fast shakes, not with milk but with water.  I got a boost from all the ingredients I know slim fast has been under the microscope and I was told it is not good for you but It was cheap and it offered value as well as it tasted OK.  After two weeks I noticed some lbs. coming off and I was feeling more energized.  I started to eat foods for dinner staying with shake for lunch.  I would increase miles of the elliptical machine which is easier on my body, but I would go fast and higher levels.  I cut out bread, potatoes, pasta, rice.  Changed regular sugar with my coffee into pure brown sugar until I stopped using sugar two years later.  I would eat small meals lots of corn tortillas with tuna and avocado.  Started to eat more greens and fruit and lean meats.  I did not eat bread so cold cuts and sliced cheese have been eliminated.  It was kind of strange when I was cooking food for my family and I had to eat different foods. I also had salads without dressing or croutons.  I was surprised how it was changing me inside and out.  I stopped bloating and swelling and was full with little food and satisfied.  I also used supplements from company It Works that also sell the body wraps.  I used them and believed that they are helping me even if it was just mentally not sure if they worked in reality.  I worked out from few times a week to daily, added weights and started being more active. My weight went from 151 to 128  I was consuming 700 calories to 1200 while doing 8 miles a day and weight lifting. I ended up burning more than I was eating and I felt weak. Need to eat more protein!!


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