Becoming a healthier me,  Cancer Battle

What is Matcha

Recently I was out with my family in Naperville,  after a all day full of activities they got some shakes.  I do not drink that but needed something cold and maybe with a kick.  I spotted a tea shop so I went in.  The sales lady was very informative and when I asked about any teas for fighting cancer she shared turmeric and something I never heard of Matcha.  I am very familiar with turmeric as I use it in my food.   I tried to eat soups with it which was pretty gross then made a drink nasty as well, then made my own capsules with pure turmeric but in order for me to get the entire benefit from that I would have to make and swallow 16 pills every day and it was hard just taking a few.  After I got home I was interested to read about this Matcha.  What the heck is it?  It is a pure green tea grown in Japan in the shade.  It is very strong green tea and it is drank there and referred to as ceremonial tea, it is a special ritual. The other lower grade it is called culinary Matcha and it is used in foods, cakes, ice cream and so on.  I learned that it is not only healthy for tea quality reason but also promotes cancer tumor shrinkage.  I am always on a lookout for anything that is natural as well as cancer fighting.  I was looking at powder forms to buy and try when I came across this other company from California. and more interestingly the company owner’s story.  Company started because the owner Michael had cancer. The other company founder Kristel who is Michael friend came up with all these super food combinations to help him get better and rebuild his immune system.  They were both professional tennis players and active people.  They also have the Matcha powder they sell it  among other healthy powder combinations.  I am very curious about this Matcha powder enough so I will order it and see.  I drink three high protein shakes a day and think this will be easy addition to my lunch shake to give me a little boost for the day.  Spending 16 hour plus while working some days this will be so helpful. I will try this for 30 days and give a review!! I keep checking my cancer levels so I will be able to see a difference if this works on shrinking cancer tumor cells.  Wish me luck!!

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