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WHY COVID 19 reminds me of how it feels to having cancer

I know some of you may say why would I even think that. Let me explain. Having cancer, especially one I will never get rid off and will keep having to cut out or treat as long as I can so I can be here for those who love me. Cancer is very hard to live with and even harder to explain. When you have a cancer such as mine they say well you don’t look sick! Yes that is true I do not look like I have it, I have long hair and able to work out able to do many things on the outside I look normal and healthy but inside I have cancer and it just swims around in my system until it finds a place to set up shop.Why do I compare this to COVID 19? Well let’s see, anyone can get it at any age, some can get very sick but make it and recover yet some can get it and pass away, some have better odds in surviving it and anyone of any race, gender, religion, financial status and society position as well as any career type can get either one!!COVID 19 May attack people who are already a bit sick with other predispositions but cancer can also attack you just the same.Living with cancer makes you aware of your environment just as COVID does.Cancer may take you or spare you. Not sure yet if you can get COVID twice I am not a specialist but I do know you can get cancer numerous times maybe that is the difference?
People with cancer have to worry where they go who they hang out with so they do not get anything else that will make them sicker people who go out worry about catching COVID from just getting food, going to a store, doctor or family and friends gathering. So in a way COVID is a game of chance by contact and cancer is a game of chance by genes, environment and other illnesses but in a way they are both similar.Sorry I can ramble on for hours ! Leave a comment what is your take on this.Thanks for reading stay well

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