Cancer Battle

Yes I Shat my pants!!

Year check cat scan

Another Saturday saved for this lovely activity but I have delayed scan for 6 months now and my oncologist was very upset with me so I had to go and get this done. Blood work is not the only way to check if I am ok and need those scans to catch anything before it grows out of control again. So I went to the hospital where it all started. It was a strange feeling to be there again but at least it is just a scan not unknown situation like before. I came alone why bug people to keep me company on a semi sunny Saturday! I got there two hours earlier so I can drink the contrast. This hospital is a pretty good drive from my house so this made more sense. I had my first drink Berry Barium which was not too bad. It was very cold so it went down easier. One hour later I had my “lunch mocha flavor” barium but this one was not as cold and it went in a bit rougher. The aide who was taking care of me said that even though I had this done prob more than 10 times within past year it may effect me differently. She said you will either get constipated or have diarrhea was hoping constipation! We went into he back I was already dressed in appropriate clothes so no need to get me changed and we sat down to get my iv in. I informed them how tiny my veins are and they will hide very fast so they have to be gentle and quick. Also because you cant eat or drink for long time and my scan was after 1pm I said I may pass out have in the past and even a seizure. They said ok lets just do it on the table then fall risk. They put me on the cat scan table gave me blankets got me comfy and strapped me to the table so I wont fall. She took my usual arm I told her this one has not failed me before. She found a good vein and stuck the needle but to her surprise it did not hit the mark she pulled it out and continued for 10 minutes trying to get it in. It hurt and I was dizzy then she went to the other side. After 15 minutes I was finally hooked up. The scan itself is easy. 15 minutes, hold your breath three times and you are done! The shoot the dye in between the scans which make you feel very hot and you feel it go through your body. After I was done I waited for the copy of the disc ( always get one) and went on to my car. I felt good no issues but I ran out of water so I decided to stop at Mariano’s to get few things. My stomach started cramping badly while I was shopping and gas was starting to fly out I left the store but realized I did not get water! I had some in the car little warm but it had to do. I was far from home so needed to get going. Traffic was bad so I was moving slow while my stomach started cramping badly and making all sorts of noises. I was driving as fast as I could almost at the house when as I let out a big fart I sharted !!! Omg so embarrassing! I was upset because I was wearing my new favorite cozy pants but then remembered I put a little pad just in case phew and my car seats are washable.

This was no joke…I ran into the house yelling get the groceries I shat my pants and I made it just in time!!

This was a rough day! Make sure you take a pad with you that is my advise to you! I don’t think it mattered what flavor you get it was just this drink.

The torture chamber!!!

The Cocktail lounge!!

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